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Are you looking for meaning and purpose in your Christian faith?

Are you ready for to be challenged by Jesus’ call on your life?

Do you want to make a difference in this world?

{Disciple} aims to train young people aged 16+ to be capable and equipped followers of Jesus, ready for whatever direction life is leading them. 

Whether you are at college, working, or taking a gap year, the {Disciple} course will fit alongside your work or higher education.

Meeting up with other {Disciples} around the North West 6 times a year, you’ll be encouraged and inspired in your faith, and challenged to go and make a difference in the places you live, study and work.

There’ll be time to think and talk about the important things in life like identity, health, love, money, social justice, church, mission …and more, and thinking about what impact your faith in Jesus has upon them. {Disciple} will give you valuable tools for life for when you’re ready to leave home, and set you up for whatever career or vocation is coming next.

You’ll be trained to serve on the NWBA Impact Weekend in October as a Young Leader, and have the opportunity to step out of the boat on an outward bound activity weekend in the summer.

The {Disciple} programme is FREE* and upon completion you’ll receive certification from Northern Baptist College, which can be added to your CV.

If you are interested in enrolling, fill in the enrolment form (below) and contact Jonny Hirst (NWBA Youth Networker)


*There may be a cost towards the outward bound activity weekend

{Disciple} Programme Overview

There are two sides to {Disciple}


Get together with other {Disciples} three times a year to have fun, encourage one another and think deeply about what it means to follow Jesus. Our gatherings look something like this:

Year 1

1. Young Leaders, Impact Youth Weekend

2. Leadership 101

3. Living the Adventure - Weekend Away

    Imago Dei - Identity

Year 2

4. Young Leaders, Impact Youth Weekend

5. Missio Dei - God’s Great Plan

6. Living the Adventure - Weekend Away

      Let Justice Roll’ - Social Justice

Log Book

Alongside our Gatherings are opportunities for you to challenged and encouraged to be an active part of your home church community, and to grow as a confident disciple of Jesus in the places live, study and work. 

So that we can keep you going on, we’ll give you a Log book for you to fill in with a mentor to help you reflect on and monitor your progress and growth as a {Disciple}.

These tasks and challenges will be focused in to these five categories:


(in discipleship with others)


(in your local church or charitable organisation)


(in God's mission and matters of social Justice)


(in local church or faith-based organisation)


(preparing to set out on your own)​

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