Group Booking Form
Youth Leaders (Group Leaders) use this form to book everyone on your group in.
Everyone under 18 still needs to complete 'a parental consent form'.
Young Leaders still need to fill in a 'young leaders' or {Disciple} form
Youth Leaders must also complete an 'Adult Health Form'
Parental Consent Form
Once you have submitted a group booking form, please ensure that you collect all parental consent forms in and send copies to impact@nwba.org.uk
Booking Terms and Conditions
Reservations may be made before 7th July, but then Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis with a £40 NON- REFUNDABLE deposit.
The total cost is £115 per person. Final booking date Sunday 31st July 2024
Cancellation must be made in writing and is only effective on the date received. If cancellations are made after 31st July 2024, the full amount will be payable. Places cannot be held beyond 7th July without the deposit. We apologise for having to introduce these conditions, but activities and accommodation must be paid for in advance and Quinta and our activity provider, Venture Out charge the above rates for cancellation of places.
If any of your young people have additional needs, please let us know as early as possible so that we can work with Quinta and our activity provider to ensure relevant provision is put in place.

Data Protection Statement
Under Data Protection legislation the Charity Trustees of the North Western Baptist Association are the Data Controller and can be contacted by ringing 01942 221595or emailing dataprotection@nwba.org.uk
We are collecting this information to enable the NWBA to run the Impact Activities Weekend safely and ensure we can contact you in case of an emergency.
Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the Association’s legitimate interest. If you are unable to supply the information requested then we will be unable to accept your application to attend the weekend.
The information you supply will be held electronically on the Association Sharepoint and Impact email inbox which is password protected and accessed only by the NWBA Team. Information will also be stored in paper form in a folder which will be kept in a securely locked cupboard in an Association office. This information may be shared with the Impact Team as appropriate for the sole purpose of running this event.
We will destroy data in accordance with NWBA’s Data Retention Policy. Safeguarding information such as records of DBS clearance will be retained for 75 years according to our Data Retention Policy. We will NOT pass on this information to anyone else.
If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Trustee. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.